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Product stored in a cool, dry environment and void of direct light has an estimated shelf life as follows: cremes, butters, lotions, balms, gels, and polish of 24 months and oils 18 months.
PLEASE NOTE: When laundering linens or clothing that have been in contact with Bon Vital’ products use caution. ALL Bon Vital’ massage oil and gel products (oil based) are potentially combustible and can be combustible when exposed to high levels of heat such as a dryer. Bon Vital’ recommends using a commercial grade detergent on all exposed articles of clothing and linens when washing. Also, Bon Vital’ recommends using a medium or low setting of dryer or drip dry method. Please allow all items to cool completely before placing them in storage. Please consult your manufacturer's dryer guidelines for linens and clothing articles that have been in contact with oils.